School Transport
The School has its own pick and drop facility for the students. An incharge in each bus looks after the children during their journey to and from home/school. Current transport charges can be enquired from the school Office. Transport fee is payable for 10 months in a year. Download Transport Application Form View Bus Routes
School Tuckshop
The School Tuck Shop has been equipped to provide hygienically prepared eatables to students on reasonable charges. Parents of kindercare, Nursery and Prep Students are, however, advised to give healthy/homemade food to their children instead of pocket money.

Peshawar Model Girls High School has a library built with a purpose to enable students to supplement their knowledge by reading books in a calm and quiet atmosphere. For this purpose, enormous collection of books for the students and teachers are available. Moreover, newspapers (Englsih and Urdu) and periodicals/magazines are also available in the library.
School Dispensary
There is a School Dispensary with qualified doctors or nurses to look after children's medical needs and to maintain their health records etc. Periodical medical check ups of the students are carried out and health record of every child is 1 for the information of their parents and future use of the students. The children are also medically examined by the school doctor/nurses prior to their admission in the school.

Video Library
This facility has been provided at each campus of PMS to entertain young kids through videos, enabling them to better understand and enjoy related and general stories in a friendly atmosphere.
Computer Laboratory
Peshawar Model Girls High School both campuses are equipped with proper Computer Laboratories and qualified instructors are available to impart the computer knowledge according to present environment and need of the day.

Science Laboratories
Fully equipped laboratories of Biology, Chemistery and Physics are present in both campuses to facilitate the required use by the pupils under the supervision of qualified Science Teachers.
Physical Education and Sports
Physical education and sports are an integral part of education in the school. The School Managment believes in all-round development of the students. Participation in games and sports keeps the students physically fit and encourages healthy competition among them. All major games and sports have been introduced in the school.One period each day for Junior Classes and three periods a week for Senior Classes are allotted for Physical Education.

The School conducts classes for local SSC Examination in English Medium and is examined by the respective Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education. The School strives to achieve high academic standards by providing regular and systemic work. Through co-curricular activities, a close contact between teacher and students is maintained. Efforts are made to make the subjects so interesting that the students are motivated to do their work without any fear of punishment. If a child fails in one class, twice , she is expelled from the school. Extra efforts are made with the students by assessing their capabilities and acdemic performance through surprise tests. weekly tests, monthly tests and term exams.
International General Certificate of Secondary Education(IGCSE)/General Certificate of Education Course has been started by the Managment of Peshawar Model since April 2011. Students having age 13 and passed Class VII with good percentage are eligible for admission in O Level. To cater the internationl standard , IGCSE and GCE are opted simultaneously . The Examination are held by Cambridge International Examination (CIE) twice a year i.e. in May/June and October / November. Subjects equivalent to Matric System are introduced i.e English, Urdu, Maths, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Islamiat & Pak Studies (History, Geography). Seperate qualified staff is hired for teaching in O Level Classes.

Islamic Education
Teaching of Islamiat receives special attention. Knowledge of Islam is imparted with a view to inculcate Islamic Values among all the students of the school. From class II and above, a Qari and Qariya are appointed to teach Qirat to the selected students of Junior and Senior Classes of the school. The students are taught to recite the Holy Quran (Nazira) and efforts made to complete it by 7th Class.